Sunday, September 27, 2009

Looking within.........

I have found myself so often looking at all going on around me. I become so focused on it and sometimes so fasinated with it. Also overwhelmed with it and in those overwhelming times I find myself off my path. It is at those times that I must look at what is really important in my life. I must not look all around and judge or ponder on what is not important. Instead I must look within and find my peace. It is when I focus on what is true that life seems to go well. I am only lost when I concentrate on other things. How is it that one remains focused on what is true. I truly believe it is having a daily relationship with the one who gave us life. I must make an effort everyday to do that. It is easy as long as I do it. But once I get off my routine and forget to focus or take time with Him, it is then that I seem lost. All around me seems to be out of control. Is it worth it to no have that time with Him. When will I learn the value of my time with Him daily.
My job has had many changes lately. It is a feeling of frankly the unknown however, the one thing that keeps me sane is that I know that my job is just a part of me. I believe with all my heart that I work for someone greater than my place of employement. And knowing that gives me a peace through it all. I have no idea what will happen but I know it all happens for a reason. I trust I am right where I need to be. I have nothing to worry about. My job is to glorify God .... ALWAYS!!